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For the Interlibrary Loan (ILL) form, obtain bibliographic citation, including author, title, publisher, date of publication from Books in Print, which is available usually in library Reference, or or also, you can purchase books on the Internet through or or other websites. (SPANISH) Alvarez Garcia, Alonso. 1996. HTML, Creacion de Paginas Web. Madrid, Spain, Anaya Multimedia. ISBN 8476148585. PUBLIC LIBRARY 005.72, ALVAREZ. (SPANISH) Berners-Lee, Tim. 2000. Tejiendo la Red, el Inventor del World Wide Web nos Descubre su Origen (Weaving the Web, The Original Design of the World Wide Web by Its Inventor). Madrid, Spain, Siglo Veintiuno de Espana Editores. ISBN 9788432310409. PUBLIC LIBRARY 005.04, BERNERSLEE. (SPANISH) Costales, Bryan. 1987. Introduccion al Lenguaje C. Barcelona, Spain, Gustavo Gili. ISBN 8425213290. (SPANISH) Dueber, Julianne. 2013. Spanish Vocabulary, Barron's Foreign Language Guides. Hauppauge, New York, Barron's Educational Series, Inc. ISBN 978-1-4380-0256-9. PUBLIC LIBRARY 468.2421, DUEBER. -- Pages 191-197, Science and Technology, computers, the Internet (travel pocketbook). (SPANISH) Harbison, Samuel P., and Guy L. Steele. 1988. Lenguaje C, Manual de Referencia. Barcelona, Spain, Masson. ISBN 8431104422. (SPANISH) Heslop, Brent, and Larry Budnick. 1996. Publicar con HTML en Internet. Madrid, Spain, Paraninfo. ISBN 8428323046. (SPANISH) Jamsa, Kris A. 1986. Lenguaje C, Biblioteca de Funciones. Madrid, Spain, McGraw-Hill. ISBN 8476151209. (SPANISH) Kelley, Al, and Ira Pohl. 1989. Lenguaje C, Introduccion a la Programacion. Mexico, D.F., Addison-Wesley Iberoamericana. ISBN 9686630422. (SPANISH) Kernighan, Brian W., and M. Ritchie Dennis. 1988. El Lenguaje de Programacin C. Mexico, Prentice-Hall Hispanoamericana. ISBN 9688800244. (SPANISH) Morris, Bruce. 1997. HTML Avanzado. Madrid, Spain, McGraw-Hill, Interamericana de Espana. ISBN 8448109708. (SPANISH) Muniz Castro, Emilio-German. 1998. Routledge Spanish Dictionary of Telecommunications, Spanish-English/English-Spanish, Espanol-Ingles/Ingles-Espanol Diccionario Ingles de Telecomunacaciones. London, U.K., Routledge. ISBN 0-415-15266-6. PUBLIC LIBRARY REFERENCE, 621.38203, MUNIZ. (SPANISH) Muniz Castro, Emilio-German. 2003. Diccionario Terminologico de Informatica, Electronica y Telecomunicaciones, Dictionary of Computer Science, Electronics and Telecommunications Terminology. Collado Villalba, Madrid, Spain, Ediciones Verba. ISBN 84-933193-1-7. PUBLIC LIBRARY REFERENCE, 004.03, MUNIZ. (SPANISH) Musciano, Chuck, and Bill Kennedy. 2001. HTML y XHTML. Madrid, Spain, Anaya Multimedia. ISBN 8441511098. (SPANISH) Powell, Thomas A., Gustavo Santos-Garcia, and Jose Ignacio Sanchez Garcia. 1998. HTML, Manual de Referencia. Madrid, Spain, Osborne/McGraw-Hill. ISBN 8448120280. (SPANISH) Routledge Spanish Technical Dictionary, Diccionario Tecnico Ingles (set of 2 volumes). 1997. London, England, Routledge. ISBN 0-415-11274-5. PUBLIC LIBRARY REFERENCE, 603, ROUTLEDGE. (SPANISH) Schildt, Herbert. 1988. Lenguaje C, Programacion Avanzada. Mexico, McGraw-Hill. ISBN 9684222114. (SPANISH) Schildt, Herbert. 1994. C, Gua de Autoenseanza. Madrid, Spain, McGraw-Hill. ISBN 8448118243. (SPANISH) Schildt, Herbert, and Jose Maria Vela Bermudez. 1987. Programacion en Lenguaje C. Mexico, Osborne/McGraw-Hill. ISBN 9684220170. (SPANISH) Schildt, Herbert, and Luis Hernandez Yanez. 2001. C, Manual de Referencia. Madrid, Spain, Osborne. ISBN 8448128958. (SPANISH) Stout, Rick. 1996. World Wide Web, Manual de Referencia. Madrid, Spain, McGraw-Hill, Interamericana de Espana. ISBN 8448105532. (SPANISH) Titus, James E., and Valerie Gamez. 2008. Spanish/English Dictionary for Electricity and Electronics, El Diccionario Espanol/Ingles de la Electricidad y la Electronica. Clifton Park, New York, Thomson Delmar Learning. ISBN 9781418063443. PUBLIC LIBRARY REFERENCE, 621.303, TITUS. (SPANISH) Wempen, Faithe. 2006. HTML y XHTML. Madrid, Spain, Anaya Multimedia. ISBN 844152095X. PUBLIC LIBRARY 006.74, WEMPEN. (SPANISH) Wortman, Leon A., and Thomas O. Sidebottom. 1984. The C Programming Tutor. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice Hall. ISBN 0131100246. American Telephone and Telegraph Company. 1992. Events in Telecommunications History. Warren, New Jersey, AT and T Archives. OCLC 27394185. PUBLIC LIBRARY 384.09, EVENTS. Armstrong, James C., Jr., Jonathan L. Gross, and M.L. Richardson, editors. 1996. HTML Reference. Seattle, Washington, Specialized Systems Consultants. ISBN 9780916151980. Aronson, Larry. 1994. HTML Manual of Style. Emeryville, California, Ziff-Davis Press. ISBN 1562763008. PUBLIC LIBRARY REFERENCE, 005.75, ARONSON. Austell-Wolfson, Barry M., and R. Derek Otieno. 2000. The Complete Book of C programming. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, Prentice Hall. ISBN 0130960934. PUBLIC LIBRARY 510.78, AUSTELL. Bacon, G.W. 1865. The Atlantic Telegraph, Its History, from the Commencement of the Undertaking in 1854, to the Return of the Great Eastern in 1865, (and) Accompanied with a Familiar Explanation of the Theory of Telegraphy, A Chronological Summary of the Progress of the Art, and a Tabular List of the Submarine Cables Now in Operation, also an Account of the Leading Submarine and Land Lines in Progress and Projected. London, U.K., Bacon and Co. OCLC 702866089. PUBLIC LIBRARY 621.3828, BACON. Baker, Donna L. 2003. HTML Complete Course. Hoboken, New Jersey, Wiley. ISBN 9780764540929. PUBLIC LIBRARY 005.72, BAKER. Beam, J. Emmett. 1989. Illustrated C Programming ANSI Standard. Plano, Texas, Wordware Publishing, Inc. ISBN 1-55622-068-5. PUBLIC LIBRARY 005.133, BEAM. Beckman, Frederick William, Harry R. O'Brien, and Blair Converse. 1937. Technical Journalism. Ames, Iowa, Collegiate Press. OCLC 3161587. PUBLIC LIBRARY 70.4, BECKMAN. Berners-Lee, Tim, and Mark Fischetti. 1999. Weaving the Web, The Past, Present and the Future of the World Wide Web by Its Inventor. London, U.K., Orion Business. ISBN 9780752820903. PUBLIC LIBRARY 004.678, BERNERSLEE. Bernstein, Theodore M. 1977. The Careful Writer, A Modern Guide to English Usage. New York, New York, Atheneum. ISBN 0689705557. PUBLIC LIBRARY 428.3, BERNSTEIN. Berry, John Thomas. 1986. Advanced C Programming. New York, New York, Prentice-Hall. ISBN 0893034738. PUBLIC LIBRARY 005.133, BERRY. Billo, E. Joseph. 2011. Excel for Chemists, A Comprehensive Guide. Hoboken, New Jersey, John Wiley and Sons. ISBN 9780470381236. PUBLIC LIBRARY 542.85536, BILLO. Boehm, Anne. 2010. Murach's HTML, XHTML, and CSS, Training and Reference. Fresno, California, Mike Murach and Associates. ISBN 9781890774578. PUBLIC LIBRARY 006.7, BOEHM. Brooks, David R. 2011. Guide to HTML, JavaScript and PHP, for Scientists and Engineers. New York, New York, Springer. ISBN 9780857294487. PUBLIC LIBRARY 005.2762, BROOKS. Brooks, John. 1976. Telephone, The First Hundred Years. New York, New York, Harper and Row. ISBN 0060105402. PUBLIC LIBRARY 384.60973, BROOKS. Bunch, Bryan H., and Alexander Hellemans. 1993. The Timetables of Technology, A Chronology of the Most Important People and Events in the History of Technology. New York, New York, Simon and Schuster. ISBN 0671769189. PUBLIC LIBRARY REFERENCE, 609, BUNCH. Callihan, Steven E. 1998. Create Your First Web Page. Rocklin, California, Prima Publishing. ISBN 0761513884. PUBLIC LIBRARY 025.04, CALLIHAN. Carey, Patrick. 2013. New Perspectives on HTML, XHTML and Dynamic HTML, Comprehensive. Boston, Massachusetts, Course Technology, Cengage Learning. ISBN 9781111526436. PUBLIC LIBRARY 005.72, CAREY. Chaudhary, Harry H. 2014. The C Programming Language, Special Edition for Beginners. CreateSpace Independent Publishing. ISBN 9781500521936. Chaudhary, Harry H. 2015. C Programming, The Ultimate Way to Learn the Fundamentals of the C Language. Charleston, South Carolina, CreateSpace Independent Publishing. ISBN 9781500481117. Childs, Emery E. 1885. A History of the United States in Chronological Order from the Discovery of America in 1492 to the Year 1885 Including Notices of Manufactures as They were Introduced, of Other Industries, of Railroads, Canals, Telegraphs, and Other Improvements, of Inventions, Important Events, etc. New York, New York, M.H. Green, printer. OCLC 14463038. PUBLIC LIBRARY 973.02, CHILDS. Chu, Kenny. 1996. HTML Publishing on the Internet. New York, New York, McGraw-Hill. ISBN 0079121004. PUBLIC LIBRARY 005.75, CHU. Clair, Colin. 1969. A Chronology of Printing. New York, New York, Praeger. OCLC 44823. PUBLIC LIBRARY REFERENCE, 655.1, CLAIR. Coleman, Pat. 1999. HTML Complete. San Francisco, California, Sybex. ISBN 0782124674. PUBLIC LIBRARY 005.72, HTML. Corriveau, Jean-Paul. 1998. A Step-By-Step Guide to C Programming. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, Prentice Hall. ISBN 013339946X. Costales, Bryan. 1985. C from A to Z. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice-Hall. ISBN 0131100408. PUBLIC LIBRARY 001.6424, COSTALES. Crystal, David. 2004. A Glossary of Netspeak and Textspeak. Edinburgh, Scotland, Edinburg University Press. ISBN 9780748619825. PUBLIC LIBARY REFERENCE, 004.03, CRYSTAL. Cunningham, Diane, and National Institute of Standards and Technology, Research Information Center (U.S.). 1998. Databases Available in the National Institute of Standards and Technology Research Library. Gaithersburg, Maryland, United States Department of Commerce, Technology Administration, National Institute of Standards and Technology. OCLC 41557151. PUBLIC LIBRARY GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS. Deitel, Paul J., and Harvey Deitel. 2013. C for Programmers with an Introduction to C11. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, Pearson Education. ISBN 0133462064. Downing, Douglas. 2013. Dictionary of Computer and Internet Terms. Hauppauge, New York, Barron's Educational Series. ISBN 9780764147555. PUBLIC LIBRARY 004.03, DOWNING. Dummer, G.W.A. 1982. The Timetable of Technology. New York, New York, Hearst Books. ISBN 0878512098. PUBLIC LIBRARY 609.04, TIMETABLE. Etter, Delores Maria. 1999. Introduction to C. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, Prentice Hall. ISBN 0130118540. PUBLIC LIBRARY 005.133, ETTER. Fahie, John Joseph. 1974. A History of Electric Telegraphy to the Year 1837. New York, New York, Arno Press. ISBN 0405060440. PUBLIC LIBRARY 621.382, FAHIE. Feibel, Werner. 1989. Using Microsoft C. Berkeley, California, Osborne McGraw-Hill. ISBN 0078814286. PUBLIC LIBRARY REFERENCE, 005.133, FEIBEL. Ford, Jerry Lee, Jr. 2010. HTML, XHTML, and CSS for the Absolute Beginner. Boston, Massachusetts, Course Technology/Cengage Learning. ISBN 9781435454231. PUBLIC LIBRARY 006.74, FORD. Forsythe, Kevin. 2008. HTML for the Business Developer, with JavaServer Pages, PHP,, CGI, and JavaScript. Lewisville, Texas, MC Press Online. ISBN 9781583470794. PUBLIC LIBRARY 005.72 FORSYTHE. Foster, Leslie S. 1991. C by Discovery. El Granada, California, Scott/Jones. ISBN 0962423025. Fraser, Christopher W. 1978. A Generalized Text Editor. Tucson, Arizona, University of Arizona, Department of Computer Science. OCLC 21440130. Frye, Curtis D. 2013. Microsoft Excel 2013, Step by Step. Redmond, Washington, Microsoft Press. ISBN 978-0-7356-6939-0. PUBLIC LIBRARY 005.54, FRYE. Gainsborough, John A. 1985. Personal Computing and C. Torrance, California, Ashton-Tate Publishing Group. ISBN 0912677457. PUBLIC LIBRARY 005.13, GAINSBOROUGH. Gehani, Narain. 1985. C for Personal Computers, IBM PC, AT and T PC 6300, and Compatibles. Rockville, Maryland, Computer Science Press. ISBN 0881751111. PUBLIC LIBRARY 001.6424, GEHANI. Gentry, Helen, and David Greenhood. 1936. Chronology of Books and Printing. New York, New York, The Macmillan Company. OCLC 1123554. PUBLIC LIBRARY 655.1, GENTRY. Gillies, James, and Robert Cailliau. 2000. How the Web Was Born, The Story of the World Wide Web. Oxford, U.K., Oxford University Press. ISBN 0192862073. PUBLIC LIBRARY 004.678, GILLIES. Gillispie, Matthew. 2013. From Notepad to iPad, Using Apps and Web Tools to Engage a New Generation of Students. OCLC 941325784. PUBLIC LIBRARY 371.334, GILLISPIE. Gosney, John W. 2004. HTML Professional Projects. Cambridge, Massachusetts, Thomson Learning. ISBN 159200055X. PUBLIC LIBRARY 005.72, GOSNEY. Gottleber, Timothy T. 1998. Excellent HTML with an Introduction to Java Applets. Boston, Massachusetts, Irwin/McGraw-Hill. ISBN 0070247722. Gottleber, Timothy T. 1998. Instructor's Guide to Accompany Excellent HTML with an Introduction to Java Applets. Boston, Massachusetts, McGraw-Hill. ISBN 0070247730. Graham, Ian S. 1995. The HTML Sourcebook. New York, New York, Wiley. ISBN 0-471-11849-4. PUBLIC LIBRARY REFERENCE, 005.75, GRAHAM. Gross, Annegret M. 2016. HTML, A Programming Course for Beginners and Intermediates. ISBN 9781532955488. PUBLIC LIBRARY 005.72, GROSS. Grossman, Wendy. 1998. The Hutchinson Dictionary of Computing, Multimedia and the Internet. Oxford, U.K., Helicon. ISBN 9781859862520. PUBLIC LIBRARY 004.03, HUTCHINSON. Harbison, Samuel P., and Guy L. Steele. 1984. C, A Reference Manual. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice-Hall. ISBN 0131100165. PUBLIC LIBRARY REFERENCE, 001.6424, HARBISON. Hejlsberg, Anders, Scott Wiltamuth, and Peter Golde. 2006. The C Programming Language. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0-321-33443-4. PUBLIC LIBRARY 005.133, HEJLSBERG. Henderson, Harry. 2009. Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Technology. New York, New York, Facts On File. ISBN 9780816063826. PUBLIC LIBRARY REFERENCE, 004.03, HENDERSON. Heslop, Brent D., and David A. Holzgang. 1998. HTML Publishing on the Internet, Everything You Need to Create Professional-Looking Web Pages. Durham, North Carolina, Coriolis Ventana. ISBN 1566046254. PUBLIC LIBRARY 005.72, HESLOP. Hogan, Thom. 1984. The C Programmer's Handbook. Bowie, Maryland, Brady Communications Co. ISBN 0893033650. PUBLIC LIBRARY 001.6424, HOGAN. Howe, Shay. 2014. Learn to Code HTML and CSS, Develop and Style Websites. Berkeley, California, New Riders. ISBN 9780321940520. PUBLIC LIBRARY 006.74, HOWE. Huurdeman, Anton A. 2003. The Worldwide History of Telecommunications. New York, New York, J. Wiley. ISBN 0471205052. PUBLIC LIBRARY REFERENCE, 384, HUURDEMAN. Hyslop, Bruce. 2010. The HTML Pocket Guide. Berkeley, California, Peachpit Press. ISBN 9780321699749. PUBLIC LIBRARY 006.74, HYSLOP. Ince, Darrel. 2009. A Dictionary of the Internet. Oxford, U.K., Oxford University Press. OCLC 901470104. PUBLIC LIBRARY 004.67803, INCE. Jamsa, Kris. 1985. The C Library. Berkeley, California, Osborne McGraw-Hill. ISBN 0078811104. PUBLIC LIBRARY 005.133, JAMSA. Kalicharan, Noel. 2008. C Programming, A Beginner's Course. Charleston, South Carolina, Noel Kalicharan. ISBN 9781438287843. Kalicharan, Noel. 2008. C Programming, An Advanced Course. Create Space. ISBN 1438275579. Kalicharan, Noel. 2013. Advanced Topics in C, Core Concepts in Data Structures. Berkeley, California, Apress. ISBN 9781430264019. Kalicharan, Noel. 2015. Learn to Program with C. Apress. ISBN 1484213726. Kelley, Al, and Ira Pohl. 1995. A Book on C, Programming in C. Redwood City, California, Benjamin Cummings Pub. Co. ISBN 0805316779. PUBLIC LIBRARY 005.133, KELLEY. Kernighan, Brian W., and Dennis M. Ritchie. 1978. The C Programming Language. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice-Hall. ISBN 0131101633. PUBLIC LIBRARY 001.6424, KERNIGHAN. King, Kim N. 1996. C Programming, A Modern Approach. New York, New York, W.W. Norton and Company. ISBN 0-393-96945-2. PUBLIC LIBRARY 005.133, KING. Kochan, Stephen G. 1983. Programming in C. Rochelle Park, New Jersey, Hayden Books. OCLC 10214273. PUBLIC LIBRARY REFERENCE, 001.6424, KOCHAN. Laudon, Kenneth C. 2002. How to Create Web Pages Using HTML. Boston, Massachusetts, McGraw-Hill/Irwin. ISBN 0072471824. PUBLIC LIBRARY 005.72, LAUDON. Lehmann, Edward J. 1973. Automated Text Editing, A Bibliography with Abstracts. Springfield, Virginia, United States National Technical Information Service. OCLC 2109574. Lemay, Laura. 1995. Teach Yourself Web Publishing with HTML in a Week. Indianapolis, Indiana, Sams Pub. ISBN 0-672-30667-0. PUBLIC LIBRARY 005.75, LEMAY. Lewin, Morton H. 1986. Elements of C. New York, New York, Plenum Press. ISBN 0306421828. PUBLIC LIBRARY REFERENCE, 005.13, LEWIN. Meloni, Julie C. 2012. Sams Teach Yourself HTML, CSS, and JavaScript All in One. Indianapolis, Indiana, Sams. ISBN 978-0-672-33332-3. PUBLIC LIBRARY 006.74, MELONI. Meloni, Julie C. 2015. HTML, CSS and JavaScript, All in One. Indianapolis, Indiana, Sams. ISBN 9780672337147. PUBLIC LIBRARY 006.74, MELONI. Microsoft Press. 1997. Microsoft Press Computer Dictionary. Redmond, Washington, Microsoft Press. ISBN 9781572314467. PUBLIC LIBRARY 004.03, MICROSOFT. Mihajlov, Martin, and ClydeBank Technology. 2015. HTML Quickstart Guide, The Simplified Beginner's Guide to HTML. Albany, New York, ClydeBank Media LLC. ISBN 9781511617994. PUBLIC LIBRARY 005.268, MIHAJLOV. Miller, Lawrence H., and Alexander E. Quilici. 1987. C Programming Language, An Applied Perspective. New York, New York, Wiley. ISBN 0471825603. PUBLIC LIBRARY REFERENCE, 005.133, MILLER. Mischook, Stefan. 2015. Web Design, Start Here, A No-Nonsense, Jargon Free Guide to the Fundamentals of Web Design. Cincinnati, Ohio, How Books. ISBN 9781440341120. PUBLIC LIBRARY 006.7, MISCHOOK. Morrison, Michael. 2001. HTML and XML for Beginners. Redmond, Washington, Microsoft Press. ISBN 0735611890. PUBLIC LIBRARY 005.72, MORRISON. Moschovitis, Christos J.P. 1999. History of the Internet, A Chronology, 1843 to the Present. Santa Barbara, California, ABC-CLIO. ISBN 1-57607-118-9. PUBLIC LIBRARY 004.678, HISTORY. Mullen, Robert. 1996. HTML Quick Reference. Indianapolis, Indiana, Que Corp. ISBN 9780789708670. PUBLIC LIBRARY 005.72, MULLEN. Mullen, Robert. 1997. The HTML Programmer's Reference. Durham, North Carolina, Ventana. ISBN 1566045975. PUBLIC LIBRARY REFERENCE, 005.72, MULLEN. Norman, Jeremy M. 2005. From Gutenberg to the Internet, A Sourcebook on the History of Information Technology. Novato, California, ISBN 0930405870. PUBLIC LIBRARY REFERENCE, 004, NORMAN. Pence, James. 2003. HTML. New York, New York, SparkNotes, LLC. ISBN 9781586639013. -- 1 folded sheet (six pages). Perry, Greg M., and Dean Miller. 2014. C Programming, Absolute Beginner's Guide. Indianapolis, Indiana, Que. ISBN 0789751984. PUBLIC LIBRARY 005.133, PERRY. Pfaffenberger, Bryan. 1999. Webster's New World Dictionary of Computer Terms. New York, New York, Que. ISBN 9780028628844. PUBLIC LIBRARY 004, PFAFFENBERGER. Plum, Thomas. 1983. Learning to Program in C. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice-Hall. ISBN 0135278546. PUBLIC LIBRARY 001.6424, PLUM. Poole, Hilary W., Laura Lambert, Chris Woodford, and Christos J.P. Moschovitis. 2005. The Internet, A Historical Encyclopedia. Santa Barbara, California, ABC-CLIO. ISBN 1851096590. PUBLIC LIBRARY REFERENCE, 004.678, INTERNET. Powell, Thomas A. 2001. HTML, The Complete Reference. Berkeley, California, Osborne/McGraw Hill. ISBN 0072129514. PUBLIC LIBRARY 005.133, POWELL. Raggett, Dave, Jenny Lam, and Ian Alexander. 1996. HTML 3, Electronic Publishing on the World Wide Web. Harlow, England, Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0-201-87693-0. PUBLIC LIBRARY 005.72, RAGGETT. Ranade, Jay. 1993. The Elements of C Programming Style. New York, New York, McGraw-Hill. ISBN 0070512787. PUBLIC LIBRARY REFERENCE, 510.78, RANADE. Randall, Neil, John Jung, Greg Knauss, and Tom Savola. 1996. Using HTML. Indianapolis, Indiana, Que. ISBN 0789706229. PUBLIC LIBRARY 005.75, RANDALL. Reding, Elizabeth Eisner. 1996. HTML. Cambridge, Massachusetts, CTI. ISBN 9780760046081. PUBLIC LIBRARY 005.7598, REDING. Reding, Elizabeth Eisner, and Sasha Vodnik. 1999. HTML, Illustrated Complete. Cambridge, Massachusetts, Course Technology. ISBN 0760058423. PUBLIC LIBRARY 005.75, REDING. Refsnes, Hege, World Wide Web Consortium. 2010. Learn HTML and CSS with W3Schools. Hoboken, New Jersey, Wiley. ISBN 9780470611951. PUBLIC LIBRARY 006.74, LEARN. Reilly, Edwin D. 2003. Milestones in Computer Science and Information Technology. Westport, Connecticut, Greenwood Press. ISBN 9781573565219. PUBLIC LIBRARY REFERENCE, 004, REILLY. Riddle, Elisabeth A. 1976. Comparative Study of Various Text Editors and Formatting Systems. Pentagon, Washington D.C., Air Force Data, Services Center. OCLC 476046407. Ripley, John W., and Robert W. Richmond, editors. 1982. Communications, Early Years of the Telephone, Telegraph, Radio and Newspapers in Shawnee County (Kansas). Topeka, Kansas, Shawnee County Historical Society (Kansas). OCLC 11942634. PUBLIC LIBRARY 380.3, SHAWNEE. Robbins, Jennifer Niederst. 2001. Learning Web Design, A Beginner's Guide to HTML, Graphics, and Beyond. Sebastopol, California, O'Reilly. ISBN 0596000367. PUBLIC LIBRARY REFERENCE, 006.7, ROBBINS. Robbins, Jennifer Niederst. 2012. Learning Web Design, A Beginner's Guide to HTML, CSS, Javascript, and Web Graphics. Sebastopol, California, O'Reilly. ISBN 9781449319274. PUBLIC LIBRARY 005.72, ROBBINS. Rojas, Raul. 2001. Encyclopedia of Computers and Computer History. Chicago, Illinois, Fitzroy Dearborn. ISBN 9781579582357 (volume set). PUBLIC LIBRARY REFERENCE, 004, ENCYCLOPEDIA. Russell, Jesse, and Ronald Cohn. 2012. KOMPOZER. Book On Demand. ISBN 5511754501. Schengili-Roberts, Keith. 1997. The Advanced HTML Companion. Boston, Massachusetts, AP Professional. ISBN 0126235406. PUBLIC LIBRARY 005.72, SCHENGILI. Schildt, Herbert. 1985. C Made Easy. Berkeley, California, Osborne McGraw-Hill. ISBN 0078811783. PUBLIC LIBRARY REFERENCE, 005.26, SCHILDT. Schildt, Herbert. 1987. C, The Complete Reference. Berkeley, California, Osborne McGraw-Hill. ISBN 0078812631. PUBLIC LIBRARY REFERENCE, 005.133, SCHILDT. Schildt, Herbert. 1988. Advanced C. Berkeley, California, Osborne McGraw-Hill. ISBN 0078813484. PUBLIC LIBRARY REFERENCE, 005.133, SCHILDT. Schildt, Herbert. 1997. Teach Yourself C. Berkeley, California, Osborne McGraw-Hill. ISBN 0078823110. PUBLIC LIBRARY 005.133, SCHILDT. Schlieve, Paul L., and Jon I. Young. 1989. Illustrated Microsoft Excel 2.10. Plano, Texas, Wordware Publishing, Inc. ISBN 1-55622-109-6. PUBLIC LIBRARY 005.369, SCHLIEVE. Sedgewick, Robert. 1990. Algorithms in C. Reading, Massachusetts, Addison-Wesley Pub. Co. ISBN 0201514257. PUBLIC LIBRARY 001.6424, SEDGEWICK. Spencer, Donald D. 1997. The Timetable of Computers, A Chronology of the Most Important People and Events in the History of Computers. Ormond Beach, Florida, Camelot Pub. ISBN 0892183020. PUBLIC LIBRARY 004.09, SPENCER. Stanford University, and Teresa L. Roberts. 1982. Evaluation of Computer Text Editors. 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PUBLIC LIBRARY 005.54, WALKENBACH. Ward, Terry A. 1985. Applied Programming Techniques in C. Glenview, Illinois, Scott, Foresman. ISBN 0673180506. PUBLIC LIBRARY REFERENCE, 001.6424, WARD. Weber Systems Inc. 1984. C User's Handbook. Wokingham, U.K., Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0201180820. PUBLIC LIBRARY 001.6424, WEBER. Wempen, Faithe. 2006. HTML and XHTML Step by Step. Redmond, Washington, Microsoft Press. ISBN 0735622639. PUBLIC LIBRARY 005.7141, WEMPEN. Whitehead, Paul, and MaranGraphics. 2003. HTML Top 100 Simplified Tips and Tricks. Hoboken, New Jersey, Wiley Pub. ISBN 0764542117. PUBLIC LIBRARY 006.74, WHITEHEAD. Wikipedia, Quelle. 2013. Html-editor,, aolpress, libreoffice, microsoft frontpage, kompozer. University-Press Org. ISBN 1230669795. Willard, Wendy. 2001. HTML, A Beginner's Guide. Berkeley, California, Osborne/McGraw-Hill. ISBN 0072130261. PUBLIC LIBRARY 006.74, WILLARD. World Wide Web Consortium. 1996. The Web after Five Years. Sebastopol, California, O'Reilly. ISBN 1565922107. World Wide Web Consortium. 1997. Advancing HTML, Style and Substance. Sebastopol, California, O'Reilly and Associates. ISBN 1565922646. PUBLIC LIBRARY 384.3, ADVANCING. Wortman, Leon A., and Thomas O. Sidebottom. 1984. The C Programming Tutor. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice-Hall International. ISBN 0131100246. PUBLIC LIBRARY 001.6424, WORTMAN. Wright, Russell O. 2004. Chronology of Communication in the United States. Jefferson, North Carolina, McFarland and Company, Inc. ISBN 0786420197. PUBLIC LIBRARY REFERENCE, 302.20973, WRIGHT. Zahn, C.T. 1979. C Notes, a Guide to the C Programming Language. New York, New York, Yourdon Press. ISBN 0917072138. PUBLIC LIBRARY 001.6424, ZAHN. Zhang, Tony. 1997. Teach Yourself C in 24 Hours. Indianapolis, Indiana, Sams Pub. ISBN 0672310686. PUBLIC LIBRARY 005.13, ZHANG. - NEWS PHOTOGRAPHY, PHOTO EDITING, LAYOUT, DESIGN, CROPPING, RESOLUTION, RESIZING, DOTS PER INCH (DPI) Ang, Tom. 2002. Dictionary of Photography and Digital Imaging, The Essential Reference for the Modern Photographer. New York, New York, Amphoto Books. ISBN 9780817437893. PUBLIC LIBRARY REFERENCE, 770.3, ANG. Craig, James. 1978. Phototypesetting, A Design Manual. New York, New York, Watson Guptill Publications. ISBN 9780823040117. PUBLIC LIBRARY 686.225, CRAIG. Evans, Harold, editor. 1961. The Active Newsroom, IPI Manual on Techniques of News-Editing, Sub-Editing, and Photo Editing. Zurich, Switzerland, International Press Institute. OCLC 205262. PUBLIC LIBRARY 070.028, EVANS. Evans, Harold, editor, and Edwin Taylor. 1978. Pictures on a Page, Photo-Journalism, Graphics and Picture Editing. New York, New York, Holt, Rinehart and Winston. OCLC 6010286. PUBLIC LIBRARY 070.49, EVANS. Faber, John. 1960. Great Moments in News Photography, from the Historical Files of the National Press Photographers Association. New York, New York, T. Nelson. OCLC 882160. PUBLIC LIBRARY 779, FABER. Farace, Joe. 1996. The Digital Imaging Dictionary, A Desktop Reference for Photographers, Graphic Designers Prepress Houses, Service Bureaus, Printers, Publishers, Art Directors and All Communications Professionals. New York, New York, Allworth. ISBN 1880559463. PUBLIC LIBRARY REFERENCE, 621.36703, FARACE. Garland, Ken. 1989. Graphics, Design, and Printing Terms, An International Dictionary. New York, New York, Design Press. ISBN 9780830610488. PUBLIC LIBRARY REFERENCE, 006.603, GARLAND. Haselgrove, Maurice. 1963. Photographers Dictionary. New York, New York, Archer House. OCLC 1802128. PUBLIC LIBRARY 770.3, HASELGROVE. Henry, W. Ethelbert, and H. Snowden Ward. 1902. Early Work in Photography, A Textbook for Beginners. London, U.K., Dawbarn and Ward, Limited. OCLC 607066837. PUBLIC LIBRARY 770.2, HENRY. Horton, Brian, and Associated Press. 1989. The Picture, An Associated Press Guide to Good News Photography. New York, New York, Associated Press. ISBN 9780917360053. PUBLIC LIBRARY 778.9907, HORTON. Kalish, Stanley E., and Clifton C. Edom. 1951. Picture Editing. New York, New York, Rinehart. OCLC 470719463. PUBLIC LIBRARY 070.4, KALISH. Kinkaid, James C. 1936. Press Photography. Boston, Massachusetts, American Photographic Publishing Co. OCLC 1309723. PUBLIC LIBRARY 770, KINKAID. Kleper, Michael L. 1976. Phototypesetting at a Glance, An Illustrated Dictionary of Technical Terms Related to Photographic Typographic Composition. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, North American Pub. Co. OCLC 3044007. PUBLIC LIBRARY REFERENCE, 655.3, KLEPER. Levey, Marc B., Margaret Irish, and Samuel Kazdan. 1979. Photography, Composition, Color, Display. New York, New York, Amphoto. ISBN 9780817424602. PUBLIC LIBRARY 770.28, LEVEY. Levey, Marc B. 1980. The Photography Textbook. New York, New York, American Photographic Book Pub. Co. ISBN 9780817455149. PUBLIC LIBRARY 770, LEVEY. Lewinski, Jorge. 1977. Photography, a Dictionary of Photographers, Terms and Techniques. London, U.K., Arrow Books. ISBN 9780099160304. PUBLIC LIBRARY 770, LEWINSKI. Mack, Julian Ellis, and Miles Jay Martin. 1938. Photography for Students, A Textbook of Photographic Technique and Its Scientific Basis. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, University of Wisconsin Extension Division. OCLC 32712405. Moran, James. 1974. Printing in the 20th Century, A Penrose Anthology. New York, New York, Hastings House. ISBN 9780803857896. PUBLIC LIBRARY 686.209, MORAN. National Press Photographers Association, and Joseph Costa, editor. 1950. Complete Book of Press Photography. New York, New York. OCLC 2580499. PUBLIC LIBRARY 778, NATIONAL. Page, Andre. 1966. A Dictionary of Photographic Terms. London, U.K., Technical Press. OCLC 841361017. PUBLIC LIBRARY 770.3, PAGE. Payne, Lee. 1967. Getting Started in Photojournalism. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Chilton Book Co. OCLC 935202. PUBLIC LIBRARY 778.9, PAYNE. Pouncey, Truman. 1946. The ABC of News Photography. Houston, Texas. OCLC 18040232. PUBLIC LIBRARY 778, POUNCEY. Stone, George Eathl. 1950. Progressive Photography, A Textbook and Laboratory Manual for College Students. San Jose, California, San Jose State College. OCLC 11964216. Tausk, Petr. 1981. Textbook of Press Photography. Prague, International Organization of Journalists. OCLC 906913323. PUBLIC LIBRARY 070.49, TAUSK. Vince, John A. 1984. Dictionary of Computer Graphics. White Plains, New York, Knowledge Industry Publications. ISBN 9780867291346. PUBLIC LIBRARY 001.6443, VINCE. Vogel, Hermann Wilhelm, and Edward F. Moelling. 1873. Photographers Pocket Reference-Book and Dictionary, for Photographers and Amateurs. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Benerman and Wilson. OCLC 4535485. PUBLIC LIBRARY REFERENCE, 769.03, VOGEL. Wall, Edward John. 1889. A Dictionary of Photography, for the Professional and Amateur Photographer. New York, New York, Scovill and Adams. OCLC 4708426. PUBLIC LIBRARY REFERENCE, 769.03, WALL. - CAFEPRESS, BEGINNERS IMAGE WORKSHOP TUTORIAL, Archive, Photograph Proportion Scale and Wheel, or proportion scale resizing wheel chart to calculate image reproduction percentage, see art supply stores, amazon, or GOOGLE IMAGES, Archive, Archive, Archive, Kodak Digital Cameras, and heavy photograph printer paper, see Walmart (in Digital Camera displays, Electronics, Stationery and school paper and typing paper box supplies), also read customer shopping reviews of digital cameras, or techie reviews of cameras. Wikipedia, Image File Formats, jpeg, jpg, png, gif, tiff, graphic file formats, graphics editing software, beginner tutorials, beginner video tutorials. PAINT, from your computer, Start, All Programs, Accessories Folder, Paint, Paint Help, good for beginning to try simple software, often Paint software already installed on computer (free), a simple photo or graphics editor, however easily crashes entire computer with multitasks, if several windows opened, or working with larger files, cannot handle high resolution tiff file formats, then start shopping for better or read customer reviews, recommendations, Wikipedia, to see other graphics editors for purchase (beginning, intermediate, expert). - GRANTS TO INDIVIDUALS Small business United States finance directories. Carnegie Corporation of New York, and Charles Dollard. 1938- . Memorandum on Grants to Individuals (JOURNAL). New York, New York, Carnegie Corporation of New York. OCLC 48105209. PUBLIC LIBRARY 378.32, DOLLARD. Fenton, Calvin W. 1988. Federal Grants for Nonprofit Organizations, Higher Education and Individuals, 1988-1989. Alexandria, Virginia, New Publications. ISBN 9780961910303. PUBLIC LIBRARY 658.15224, FENTON. Foundation Center and Claire Charles. 2015. Foundation Grants to Individuals. New York, New York, Foundation Center. ISBN 9781595425065. PUBLIC LIBRARY 361.76025, FOUNDATION. Hopkins, Michael. 1995. Directory of Loans and Grants from the Federal Government for Small Businesses, Entrepreneurs, Farmers, Disaster Victims, and Individuals. Cupertino, California, Hopkins and Douglas Pub. Co. ISBN 9780964985902. PUBLIC LIBRARY 351.72, HOPKINS. Illinois Arts Council. 1986. Special Assistance Grants for Organizations and Individuals. Chicago, Illinois, Illinois Arts Council. OCLC 15227169. PUBLIC LIBRARY 706, ILLINOIS. Lesko, Matthew, and Mary Ann Martello. 2004. Lesko's Free Money for Entrepreneurs. Kensington, Maryland, Information USA. ISBN 9781878346698. PUBLIC LIBRARY 658.1592, LESKO. Margolin, Judith B. 1983. The Individual's Guide to Grants. New York, New York, Plenum Press. ISBN 9780306413094. PUBLIC LIBRARY 370, MARGOLIN. Martin, Mary. 2005. Local and Regional Government Information. Westport, Connecticut, Greenwood Press. ISBN 9781573564120. PUBLIC LIBRARY 015.73053, MARTIN. -- Ch. 19, Small business loans, grants, and financial assistance. Nober, Jane C. 2000. Grants to Individuals by Community Foundations. Washington, D.C., Council on Foundations. OCLC 44944552. PUBLIC LIBRARY 361.76, NOBER. Schlachter, Gail A. 2003. How to Find out about Financial Aid and Funding, A Guide to Print, Electronic, and Internet Resources Listing Scholarships, Fellowships, Loans, Grants, Awards, Internships 2003-2005. El Dorado Hills, California, Reference Service Press. ISBN 9781588410931. PUBLIC LIBRARY 378.34025, SCHLACHTER. Technology Grant News, Directory of Current, Ongoing and Open Technology Grants. 2002. New York, New York, Technology Grant News. OCLC 223619192. PUBLIC LIBRARY 361.70973, TECHNOLOGY. VanDeCarr, Paul. 2008. Grants to Individuals, Investing in People and Their Communities. New York, New York, GrantCraft. OCLC 273018801. - INTERLIBRARY LOAN (ILL), if your local town or university library do not have a specific book, you can obtain any book through the Reference or Circulation Desk, by filling out an Interlibrary Loan (ILL) request form. This service is usually free or has a nominal charge, maybe about $1.50. For the Interlibrary Loan (ILL) form, obtain bibliographic citation, including author, title, publisher, date of publication from Books in Print, which is available usually in library Reference, or or also, you can purchase books on the Internet through or other websites. - - - MODIFY DNS FROM WEB HOST, WITH REGISTRAR (Example) Register new domain name, then modify DNS with the DNS numbers provided by FutureQuest to submit to Registrar of your domain, in order to POINT YOUR DOMAIN to FutureQuest name servers, and propagation takes about 24 to 48 hours. 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For more than 60 years National Technical Information Service has assured businesses, universities, and the public timely access to approximately 3 million publications covering over 350 subject areas. - THE WORLD WIDE WEB JOURNAL (W3 JOURNAL) - HOW TO DOWNLOAD, INSTALL KOMPOZER, QUALITY FREE HTML WEB EDITOR FROM MOZILLA TUTORIALS, TUTORIAL, USER GUIDE, Archive 2015, USER GUIDE, USER GUIDE, Archive 2016, -Youtube, HOW TO DOWNLOAD AND INSTALL KOMPOZER (3:37 minutes) -Youtube, HOW TO DOWNLOAD KOMPOZER'S FREE WEB EDITING SOFTWARE (2:25 minutes) -Youtube, HOW TO INSTALL KOMPOZER AND CHECK FOR UPDATES (6:31 minutes) -Youtube, KOMPOZER TUTORIAL, DOWNLOAD, INSTALL, CONFIGURE (7:19 minutes) KOMPOZER, an open source What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) HyperText Markup Language (HTML) editor, and Mozilla product. KompoZer's WYSIWYG editing capabilities are one of the main attractions of the software. In addition, KompoZer allows direct code editing as well as a split code-graphic view. . 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