MEDICINE SEARCH TERMS, KEYWORDS, INDICATORS FOR BIBLIOGRAPHY, REFERENCES, CITATIONS, AND RESOURCES for Resource Guide/Research Paper on ADHD, Autism, Bipolar, Depression, OCD, and PTSD The Immune System / Autoimmune Disease Connection Healing Immune System Disorder with Diet and Food Nutrition HOME PAGE, HeartSpace Inner Healing: SITE MAP, HeartSpace Inner Healing: Contents INTERLIBRARY LOAN (ILL), if your local town or university library do not have a specific book, you can obtain any book through the Reference or Circulation Desk, by filling out an Interlibrary Loan (ILL) request form. This service is usually free or has a nominal charge, maybe about $1.50. For the Interlibrary Loan (ILL) form, obtain bibliographic citation, including author, title, publisher, date of publication from Books in Print, which is available usually in library Reference, or or also, you can purchase books on the Internet through or or other websites. GOOGLE TRANSLATE (FREE, NO DOWNLOAD), - (SPANISH) (SPANISH) (SPANISH) (SPANISH) (SPANISH) ------click on BLUE TEXT ESPANOL (SPANISH) (SPANISH) - (SPANISH) Brussel, James Arnold, and George La Fond Cantzlaar. 1972. Diccionario de Psiquiatria. Mexico, Compania Editorial Continental. OCLC 3742677. PUBLIC LIBRARY REFERENCE, 616.89, BRUSSEL. (SPANISH) Grabb, Lola L., and Onyria Herrera McElroy. 2012. Merriam-Webster's Spanish-English Medical Dictionary, Diccionario Medico Espanol-Ingles Merriam-Webster. Springfield, Massachusetts, Merriam-Webster. ISBN 9780877798231. PUBLIC LIBRARY 610.3, MERRIAM. (SPANISH) Kaplan, Steven M. 1995. Wiley's English-Spanish and Spanish-English Dictionary of Psychology and Psychiatry, Diccionario de Psicologia y Psiquiatria Ingles-Espanol Espanol-Ingles Wiley. New York, New York, Wiley. ISBN 0471014605. PUBLIC LIBRARY 150.3, KAPLAN. (SPANISH) Kaplan, Steven M. 2011. The Routledge Spanish Bilingual Dictionary of Psychology and Psychiatry. New York, New York, Routledge. ISBN 0415587743. (SPANISH) Maute, Carla. 2006. Medical Spanish Dictionary Pocket, English-Spanish, Spanish-English. Hermosa Beach, California, Borm Bruckmeier Pub. ISBN 1591032318. PUBLIC LIBRARY 610.3, MEDICAL. (SPANISH) McElroy, Onyria Herrera, and Lola L. Grabb. 2005. Spanish-English, English-Spanish Medical Dictionary, Diccionario Medico Espanol-Ingles, Ingles-Espanol. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Lippincott Williams and Wilkins. ISBN 0781750113. PUBLIC LIBRARY 610.3, MCELROY. (SPANISH) Rogers, Glenn T. 2007. English-Spanish, Spanish-English Medical Dictionary, Diccionario Medico, Ingles-Espanol, Espanol-Ingles. New York, New York, McGraw-Hill Medical Pub. Division. ISBN 0071431861. PUBLIC LIBRARY REFERENCE, 610.3, ROGERS. (SPANISH) Stone, Evelyn M. 1989. Glosario de Psiquiatria, Ingles-Espanol, Espanol-Ingles. Madrid, Spain, Ediciones Diaz de Santos. ISBN 8487189148. (SPANISH) Valenzuela, Rudy. 2007. Spanish for Nurses. New York, New York, Kaplan Publishing. ISBN 978-1-4195-9610-1. PUBLIC LIBRARY 468.3121, VALENZUELA. - MEDICAL WORDS, TERMS (ENGLISH AND SPANISH) SPANISH, 5-hidroxitriptofano (5-hydroxytryptophan) SPANISH, absorcion (absorption) SPANISH, acido (acid) SPANISH, acido ascorbico, vitamina C (ascorbic acid) SPANISH, acidos grasos omega 3 (omega 3 fatty acids) SPANISH, acto de revivir mentalmente un incidente pasado (flashback) SPANISH, acupresion (acupressure) SPANISH, adiccion (addiction) SPANISH, aditivo (additive) SPANISH, agua (water) SPANISH, agudo (acute) SPANISH, aguno (fast) SPANISH, alcalino (alkaline) SPANISH, alergia (allergy) SPANISH, alergico (allergic) SPANISH, alimentacion (nutrition) SPANISH, alimentar (nourish) SPANISH, alimenticio (nourishing) SPANISH, alimento (nutrient) SPANISH, alimento dietetico (dietetic food) SPANISH, alimento que ha recibido un procesamiento minimo y no contiene conservantes ni aditivios artificiales (natural food) SPANISH, alimento sano (health food) SPANISH, alucinogeno (hallucinogen) SPANISH, animal domestico favorito (pet) SPANISH, ano (year) SPANISH, ansiedad (anxiety) SPANISH, antibacteriano (antibacterial) SPANISH, antibiotico/ATB (antibiotic/ATB) SPANISH, anticonvulsivo (anticonvulsant) SPANISH, antidepresivo (antidepressant) SPANISH, antifungico (antifungal) SPANISH, antioxidante (antioxidant) SPANISH, antivirosico (antiviral) SPANISH, aromaterapia (aromatherapy) SPANISH, articulacion temporo-mandibular/ATM (temporomandibular articulation/TMJ) SPANISH, artritis (arthritis) SPANISH, artritis reumatoidea juvenil (Still's disease) SPANISH, asma (asthma) SPANISH, aspartamo (aspartame) SPANISH, astragalo (astragalus) SPANISH, ataque epileptico (epileptic seizure) SPANISH, ataque repentino (seizure) SPANISH, ATM (TMJ/temporomandibular articulation) SPANISH, atrofia muscular (muscular atrophy) SPANISH, autismo (autism) SPANISH, autistico (autistic) SPANISH, autoinmune (autoimmune) SPANISH, azucar (sugar) SPANISH, balance hidrico (fluid balance/water balance) SPANISH, balaza, equilibrio (balance) SPANISH, benigno (benign) SPANISH, bicarbonato (bicarbonate) SPANISH, bicarbonato de sodio (baking soda) SPANISH, bronquitis (bronchitis) SPANISH, budin (pudding) SPANISH, caldo (broth) SPANISH, caminar (walk) SPANISH, carbohidrato que consiste esencialmente de sucrosa (sugar) SPANISH, caso extremo (extreme case) SPANISH, catecolaminas (catecholamines) SPANISH, cebolla (onion) SPANISH, cefalalgia (headache) SPANISH, cefalalgia de Horton (Horton's syndrome) SPANISH, cerebro (brain) SPANISH, ciatica (sciatica) SPANISH, cirgia general (general surgery) SPANISH, claro (clear) SPANISH, colico (colic) SPANISH, colitis cronica (chronic colitis) SPANISH, comida saludable (health food) SPANISH, complejo de sintomas concurrentes que caracterizan una enfermedad (symptom complex) SPANISH, completo (total) SPANISH, comprimir (compress) SPANISH, con (with) SPANISH, contusion cerebral (head trauma) SPANISH, contusiones en la cabeza (head contusions) SPANISH, cronico (chronic) SPANISH, cronologico (chronological) SPANISH, Cruz Roja Internacional (International Red Cross) SPANISH, cuestionario (questionnaire) SPANISH, cura (remedy) SPANISH, curacion (healing) SPANISH, DAHD/desorden de falta de atencion por hiperactividad (ADHD/attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) SPANISH, de corazon sano (heart-healthy) SPANISH, debilidad (weakness) SPANISH, degeneracion macular (macular degeneration) SPANISH, depresion (depression) SPANISH, depresion aguda (acute depression) SPANISH, depresor (depressant) SPANISH, derecho a rehusar tratamiento (right to refuse treatment) SPANISH, derechos del paciente (rights of the patient) SPANISH, derechos legales (legal rights) SPANISH, desde (fast) SPANISH, deshidratacion (dehydration) SPANISH, deshidratado (dehydrated) SPANISH, deshidratar (dehydrate) SPANISH, desmielinizacion (demyelination) SPANISH, desorientacion (disorientation) SPANISH, destoxificacion (detoxification) SPANISH, desviacion estandar (standard deviation) SPANISH, diabetico (diabetic) SPANISH, diagnostico equivocado o erroneo (misdiagnosis) SPANISH, diente (tooth) SPANISH, dieta balanceada (balanced diet) SPANISH, dieta de eliminacion (elimination diet) SPANISH, dieta libre de gluten (gluten-free diet) SPANISH, dieta tolerada (diet as tolerated/DAT) SPANISH, dietista (dietitian) SPANISH, digestivo (digestive) SPANISH, diluir (dilute) SPANISH, directorio (directory) SPANISH, discinesia tardia (tardive dyskinesia) SPANISH, disfuncion del nervio (nerve dysfunction) SPANISH, dolor de cabeza (headache) SPANISH, droga adictiva (habit-forming drug) SPANISH, drogas psicotropicas (psychotropic drugs) SPANISH, dulcificante (sweetener) SPANISH, efectivo (effective) SPANISH, efecto secundario (side effect) SPANISH, enfermedad actual (present illness) SPANISH, enfermedad celiaca (celiac disease) SPANISH, enfermedad cronica (chronic illness) SPANISH, enfermedad de Addison (Addison's disease) SPANISH, enfermedad de amalgama (amalgam illness) SPANISH, enfermedad de corazon (heart disease) SPANISH, enfermedad de Crohn (Crohn's disease) SPANISH, enfermedad de Graves (Graves disease) SPANISH, enfermedad de Huntington (Huntington's disease) SPANISH, enfermedad de Lou Gehrig (Lou Gehrig's disease) SPANISH, enfermedad de Parkinson (Parkinson's disease) SPANISH, enfermedad de Still (Still's disease) SPANISH, enfermedad degenerativa de las articulaciones/EDA (degenerative joint disease) SPANISH, enfermedad del sistema nervioso (nervous system disease) SPANISH, enfermedad diseminada (systemic disease) SPANISH, enfermedad neurologica (neurological disease) SPANISH, enfermedad poliquistico del rinon (polycystic kidney disease) SPANISH, enfermedad rapidamente progresiva (rapidly progressive sickness) SPANISH, enfermedad recurrente (recurrent disease) SPANISH, enfermedad siquiatrica (psychiatric illness) SPANISH, enfermeria (infirmary) SPANISH, enterico (enteric) SPANISH, enzima (enzyme) SPANISH, epilepsia (seizures, epilepsy) SPANISH, equinacea (echinacea) SPANISH, ergonomia (ergonomics) SPANISH, erroneo (wrong) SPANISH, esclerosis lateral amiotrofica/ELA (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis/ALS) SPANISH, esclerosis multiple (multiple sclerosis) SPANISH, espasmo (spasm) SPANISH, especial (special) SPANISH, especialista en nutricion (dietitian) SPANISH, especialista en osteopatia (osteopath) SPANISH, espondilitis anquilosante (ankylosing spondylitis) SPANISH, esquizofrenia (schizophrenia) SPANISH, estacion de enfermeras (nurses station) SPANISH, estadio general (general condition) SPANISH, estadistica (statistic) SPANISH, estado nutricional (nutritional state) SPANISH, estasis (stasis) SPANISH, estomago (stomach) SPANISH, estres (stress) SPANISH, eucalipto (eucalyptus) SPANISH, evaluacion, repaso y tratamiento/ERT (assessment, review, and treatment/ART) SPANISH, expediente (medical chart) SPANISH, extracto (extract) SPANISH, falta de respiracion (shortness of breath) SPANISH, fatiga (fatigue) SPANISH, fibra (dietary fiber) SPANISH, fibromialgia (fibromyalgia) SPANISH, fibrosis cistica/FC (cystic fibrosis/CF) SPANISH, fiebre del heno (hay fever) SPANISH, fiebre reumatica (rheumatic fever) SPANISH, flash-back (flashback) SPANISH, frecuencia (incidence) SPANISH, fructosa, azucar de fruta (fructose, fruit sugar) SPANISH, frutas (fruits) SPANISH, fungico (fungal) SPANISH, gastritis aguda (acute gastritis) SPANISH, gelatina (jello) SPANISH, generalizacion (generalization) SPANISH, glucemia en ayunas (fasting glucose levels) SPANISH, glucosa (grape sugar) SPANISH, hidratado (hydrated) SPANISH, hidratar (hydrate) SPANISH, hidrogeno (hydrogen) SPANISH, hidroterapia (hydrotherapy) SPANISH, hierbabuena (peppermint) SPANISH, hiperhidratacion (hyperhydration) SPANISH, hipertiroidismo (hyperthyroidism) SPANISH, hipoglucemia (hypoglycemia) SPANISH, hipotiroidismo (hypothyroidism) SPANISH, historia medica previa (past medical history) SPANISH, holistico (holistic) SPANISH, homeopatia (homeopathy) SPANISH, horario (schedule) SPANISH, hospitalizado (hospitalized) SPANISH, idiopatico (idiopathic) SPANISH, impedimento en el aprendizaje (learning disability) SPANISH, importante (significant) SPANISH, impulsividad, falta de concentracion (impulsivity, lack of concentration) SPANISH, incapacidad (disability) SPANISH, indicacion (sign) SPANISH, indice (mean) SPANISH, inefectivo (ineffective) SPANISH, inflamacion (inflammation) SPANISH, inflamacion de un nervio (neuritis) SPANISH, informacion (information) SPANISH, infusion (herbal tea) SPANISH, inhabilidades de desarrollo o perdida de una funcion adquirida debido a causas congenitas o post natales (developmental disability) SPANISH, inhibidor selectivo de la recaptacion de serotonina/SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor/SSRI) SPANISH, inmunologico (immune system) SPANISH, inquietud (restlessness) SPANISH, insomnio (insomnia) SPANISH, integrar (integrate) SPANISH, internista (internist) SPANISH, intolerancia (intolerance) SPANISH, intolerancia a la fructosa (fructose intolerance) SPANISH, investigacion (research) SPANISH, jaqueca (migraine) SPANISH, jengibre (ginger) SPANISH, jugo (juice) SPANISH, jugo de manzana (apple juice) SPANISH, jugo de pina (pineapple juice) SPANISH, jugo de toronja (grapefruit juice) SPANISH, jugo de uva (grape juice) SPANISH, jugo de zanahoria (carrot juice) SPANISH, juramento hipocratico (Hippocratic oath) SPANISH, juventud (youth) SPANISH, kinesiologia aplicada (applied kinesiology) SPANISH, lactosa (milk sugar) SPANISH, lavanda (lavender) SPANISH, levadura (yeast) SPANISH, levantar pesas (weight lifting) SPANISH, libro de cocina (cookbook) SPANISH, limon (lemon) SPANISH, limonada (lemonade) SPANISH, linfatico (lymphatic) SPANISH, lupus eritematoso sistemico (lupus erythematosus, systemic) SPANISH, macrobiotica (macrobiotic) SPANISH, manipulacion espinal (spinal manipulation) SPANISH, mantenimiento (nutrition) SPANISH, manzanilla (chamomile) SPANISH, mapa (map) SPANISH, marcha espastica (spastic gait) SPANISH, marcha, andar tambaleante (waddling gait) SPANISH, mayor (major) SPANISH, medicacion psiquiatrica (psychiatric medication) SPANISH, medicamento (medication) SPANISH, medicamento natural (natural medicines) SPANISH, medicina alternativa (alternative medicine) SPANISH, medicina complementaria y alternativa (Complementary and Alternative Medicine) SPANISH, medicina deportiva (sports medicine) SPANISH, medicina holistica (holistic medicine) SPANISH, medicina ortomolecular (orthomolecular medicine) SPANISH, medicina preventiva (preventive medicine) SPANISH, medida (measure) SPANISH, megavitamina (megavitamin) SPANISH, menor (minor) SPANISH, menta (mint) SPANISH, mercurio (mercury) SPANISH, metal pesado (heavy metal) SPANISH, miastenia grave (myasthenia gravis) SPANISH, migrana (migraine) SPANISH, mimica medica (medical mimic) SPANISH, minimo, moderado, severo (mild, moderate, severe) SPANISH, muestreo (sampling) SPANISH, multivitamina (multivitamin) SPANISH, nadar (swim) SPANISH, naranjada (orangeade) SPANISH, naturopata (naturopath) SPANISH, naturopatia (naturopathy) SPANISH, nervio (nerve) SPANISH, neumonia (pneumonia) SPANISH, neurodegenerativa (neurodegenerative) SPANISH, neuroleptico (neuroleptic) SPANISH, neurotoxico (neurotoxic) SPANISH, neurotoxina (neurotoxin) SPANISH, neurotransmisor (neurotransmitter) SPANISH, neutralizar (neutralize) SPANISH, neutralizar un acido (deacidify) SPANISH, nino (toddler) SPANISH, no aplicable (not applicable) SPANISH, nutricion (nutrition) SPANISH, nutricion ortomolecular (orthomolecular nutrition) SPANISH, nutritiva (nutritional) SPANISH, nutritivo (nutritious) SPANISH, obsesivo compulsivo (obsessive compulsive) SPANISH, ocurrencia (occurrence) SPANISH, ortomolecular (orthomolecular) SPANISH, ortopedica (orthopedic) SPANISH, ortopedico (orthotic) SPANISH, ortopsiquiatria (orthopsychiatry) SPANISH, osteoartritis (osteoarthritis) SPANISH, osteopatia (osteopathy) SPANISH, osteopatica (osteopathic) SPANISH, oxigeno (oxygen) SPANISH, panes y cereales (breads and cereals) SPANISH, paralisis (palsy) SPANISH, paralisis agitante (shaking palsy) SPANISH, paralisis cerebral (cerebral palsy) SPANISH, paralisis de Bell (Bell's palsy) SPANISH, pediatrico (pediatric) SPANISH, periferico (peripheral) SPANISH, peristalsis (peristalsis) SPANISH, perlesia (palsy) SPANISH, permanente (permanent) SPANISH, peticion (request) SPANISH, piel de naranja (peau d'orange) SPANISH, plexo (plexus) SPANISH, pomelo (grapefruit) SPANISH, prefijo (word prefix) SPANISH, preparaciones farmaceuticas (pharmaceutics) SPANISH, prevalencia (prevalence) SPANISH, prevenir (prevent) SPANISH, preventivo (preventive) SPANISH, progresivo (progressive) SPANISH, propioceptivo (proprioceptive) SPANISH, proteina (protein) SPANISH, proximo (next) SPANISH, psicosis (psychosis) SPANISH, psicosomatico (psychosomatic) SPANISH, psiquiatra (psychiatrist) SPANISH, psiquiatria (psychiatry) SPANISH, psiquiatrico (psychiatric) SPANISH, pulmon (lung) SPANISH, pure (puree, thick soup) SPANISH, que afecta el cuerpo en general (systemic) SPANISH, queja principal/QP (chief complaint/CC) SPANISH, quinina (quinine) SPANISH, quiropractica (chiropractic) SPANISH, quiropractico (chiropractor) SPANISH, quirurgico (surgical) SPANISH, quiste (cyst) SPANISH, rabano (radish) SPANISH, radiacion (radiation) SPANISH, raiz (word root) SPANISH, reaccion inmune (immune reaction) SPANISH, recidiva (recurrence) SPANISH, refresco (soft drink) SPANISH, regeneracion (regeneration) SPANISH, rehabilitacion (rehabilitation) SPANISH, rehidratacion (rehydration) SPANISH, remedio (remedy) SPANISH, remedio casero (home remedy) SPANISH, remedio natural (natural remedy) SPANISH, restituir (restore) SPANISH, reversion (reversal) SPANISH, sacarina (saccharine) SPANISH, sacudida nerviosa (tic nervioso) SPANISH, sal de Epsom (Epsom salt) SPANISH, sano (healthy) SPANISH, seguimiento del caso (follow-up) SPANISH, senos nasales (sinus) SPANISH, sensitivomotor (sensorimotor) SPANISH, servicios de salud (health services) SPANISH, servicios terapeuticos (therapeutic services) SPANISH, significado (significance) SPANISH, signos y sintomas (signs and symptoms) SPANISH, sindrome (syndrome, a group of signs and symptoms that occur together) SPANISH, sindrome de alcoholismo fetal/SAF (fetal alcohol syndrome/FAS) SPANISH, sindrome de Asperger (Asperger's syndrome) SPANISH, sindrome de colon irritable (irritable bowel syndrome) SPANISH, sindrome de Cushing (Cushing's syndrome) SPANISH, sindrome de Down (Down syndrome) SPANISH, sindrome de Fanconi (Fanconi's syndrome) SPANISH, sindrome de fatiga cronica (chronic fatigue syndrome) SPANISH, sindrome de Guillan-Barre (Guillain-Barre syndrome) SPANISH, sindrome de irritacion intestinal (irritable bowel syndrome) SPANISH, sindrome de Kanner (Kanner syndrome) SPANISH, sindrome de malabsorcion (malabsorption syndrome) SPANISH, sindrome de Marfan (Marfan's syndrome) SPANISH, sindrome de privacion (withdrawal syndrome) SPANISH, sindrome de Raynaud (Raynaud's disease) SPANISH, sindrome de Sjogren (Sjogrens syndrome) SPANISH, sindrome de Tourette (Tourette's syndrome) SPANISH, sintesis (synthesis) SPANISH, sintomas de abstinencia (withdrawal symptoms) SPANISH, sintona, duracion (symptom, duration) SPANISH, siquiatria biologico (biological psychiatry) SPANISH, sistema circulatorio (circulatory system) SPANISH, sistema digestivo (digestive system) SPANISH, sistema esqueletico (skeletal system) SPANISH, sistema inmunitario (immune system) SPANISH, sistema linfatico (lymphatic system) SPANISH, sistema muscular (muscular system) SPANISH, sistema nervioso (nervous system) SPANISH, sistema nervioso autonomo (parasympathetic nervous system) SPANISH, sistema nervioso sensorial (sensory nervous system) SPANISH, sistema nervioso simpatico (sympathetic nervous system) SPANISH, sistema respiratorio (respiratory system) SPANISH, sistemico (systemic) SPANISH, somatico (somatic) SPANISH, somatizacion (somatization) SPANISH, sopa (soup) SPANISH, sucrosa (sucrose) SPANISH, sufijo (word suffix) SPANISH, suplemento (supplement) SPANISH, sustancioso (nutritive) SPANISH, susto (fright) SPANISH, talasoterapia (thalassotherapy) SPANISH, TDAH (ADHD/attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) SPANISH, temporal (temporary) SPANISH, tendencia (trend) SPANISH, tension emocional (stress) SPANISH, TEPT (PTSD/post-traumatic stress disorder) SPANISH, terapeutico (therapeutic) SPANISH, terapia sistemica (systemic therapy) SPANISH, tiroides (thyroid) SPANISH, TOC (OCD/obsessive-compulsive disorder) SPANISH, transformacion (transformation) SPANISH, trastorno (disorder) SPANISH, trastorno afectivo estacional (seasonal affective disorder) SPANISH, trastorno autoinmune (autoimmune disorder) SPANISH, trastorno de ansiedad (anxiety disorder) SPANISH, trastorno de estres postraumatico (post-traumatic stress disorder/PTSD) SPANISH, trastorno de panico (panic disorder) SPANISH, trastorno del humor caracterizado por episodios de depresion y episodios alternantes de mania (bipolar disorder) SPANISH, trastorno depresivo (depressive disorder) SPANISH, trastorno mayor depresivo (major depressive disorder) SPANISH, trastorno mental (mental disorder) SPANISH, trastorno obsesivo-compulsivo (obsessive-compulsive disorder/OCD) SPANISH, trastorno por deficit de atencion (attention deficit disorder/ADD) SPANISH, trastorno por deficit de atencion con hiperactividad (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder/ADHD) SPANISH, trastorno psiquiatrico del neurodesarrollo (neurodevelopmental psychiatric disorder) SPANISH, trastornos del sueno (sleep disorders) SPANISH, trastornos psiquicos (mental disorders) SPANISH, tratamiento (treatment) SPANISH, tratamiento terapeutico por medio de recursos naturales (naturopathy) SPANISH, triptofano (tryptophan) SPANISH, un grupo de signos y sintomas que ocurren juntos y que son caracteristicos de una anormalidad en particular (syndrome) SPANISH, unico (unique) SPANISH, vegetales (vegetables) SPANISH, veterinaria (veterinary medicine) SPANISH, vetinario (veterinarian) SPANISH, virus de Epstein-Barr (Epstein-Barr) SPANISH, visual quinetica (visual-kinetic) SPANISH, vitaminas (vitamins) SPANISH, yerba (herb) SPANISH, zumbido (tinnitis) SPANISH, zumbido, entumecimiento (tingling, numbness) SPANISH, zumbido, ruido, tintineo en los oidos (ringing, crackling, buzzing in ears) - (any mental term or mental symptom) due to a general medical condition (any psychiatric symptom) due to a medical condition acid acupressure addictions ADHD or ADD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) adrenal fatigue adrenals affective spectrum disorders (related medical condition, psychiatric symptom) alimentary alkaline allergies allopathic/mainstream alterations alterative alternative treatments, general amalgam illness amino acids anatomy and physiology anorexia nervosa antibacterial antibiotic anticarcinogenic antifungal anti-inflammatory antioxidant antipsychotics, side effects antiviral anxiety applied kinesiology aromatherapy arthritis associated marker asthma atherosclerosis Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD or ADD) atopy autism autoimmune disease, health, and healing autoimmunity ayurveda balance disorder balancing behavioral kinesiology biological alterations biological basis (of any mental condition) biological differentiation biological psychiatry, medical bias biology (of any mental condition) bipolar body-centered psychotherapy botanicals brain-gut connection broad spectrum bulimia nervosa cancer candida carcinoma cardiopulmonary cardiotonic carminative catecholamine chelation therapy chemical sensitivities chiropractic chronic chronic fatigue syndrome clinical ecology clinical immunology clinical kinesiology cluster colitis colon co-morbid complex post traumatic stress disorder connective tissue co-occurring cookbooks, by farmers markets cookbooks, by local organizations cookbooks, by medical associations cookbooks, by medical clinics cookbooks, by N.D., D.O., D.C., M.D., doctors cookbooks, by parents cookbooks, by parents associations of medical conditions cookbooks, cancer cookbooks, candida cookbooks, dairy-free cookbooks, diabetes cookbooks, digestion cookbooks, for any medical-related condition cookbooks, for food allergies and intolerance, for wheat-free, dairy-free, egg-free, nut-free, sugar-free cookbooks, for sugar intolerance cookbooks, general for healthful foods cookbooks, glucose and sugar levels cookbooks, gluten allergy and intolerance cookbooks, heart healthy cookbooks, sports nutrition cookbooks, sugar-free cookbooks, wheat-free cortisol crohn's disease cultural context of mental illness/psychiatric disorder cytokines, including interleukin, interferon, enkephalin, and endorphin cytoprotective dairy-free, allergies and intolerance databases with research studies, citations, abstracts, and some FULL TEXTS day spa degenerative disease degradative demineralization demulcent dental kinesiology depression detox detoxification detoxification route diabetes diet, food, and nutrition, health and healing, general diet, food, and nutrition, influence on mental illness/psychiatric disorders diet, rotation or elimination (allergies) dietary fiber digestion digestive enzymes digestive process Doctor of Philosophy, title or initials, Ph.D., a doctor's degree awarded for advanced studies in the humanities or social, behavioral, or pure sciences. (Webster's) doctor, of chiropractic, title or initials, D.C. doctor, of medicine, or medicinae doctor, title or initials, M.D. doctor, of medicine, with psychiatry concentration, title or initials, M.D. doctor, of naturopathy, title or initials, N.D. doctor, of osteopathy, title or initials D.O. doctor, of veterinary medicine, title or initials, D.V.M. and V.M.D. doctor, see training from accredited college or university, and licensed by State (accredited program/school, education, State licensure). see doctorate, Ph.D., also doctor's degree (Webster's) doctor's degree, is doctorate degree, (Ph.D. or Ed.D.), of advanced study in any discipline or field, such as education, literature, or physics. Or also, degree awarded to graduate of school of medicine (Webster's) drug concoction, drug cocktails drug-herb drug-herb, interactions, contraindication drug induced, movement disorders, dystonia, psychosis, extrapyramidal side effects drugs, medications, withdrawal (Peter Breggin, M.D.) drugs, psychiatric, side effects dual eating disorders egg-free, allergies and intolerance EI (Environmental Illness) ENS (enteric nervous system) enteric nervous system (ENS) environmental illness (EI) environmental medicine enzymes essential fatty acids essential oils exercise, low-impact fasting, with medical supervision fatigue fetal alcohol syndrome fibromyalgia flight or fright syndrome, stress, post traumatic stress disorder flower remedies fluoride food additives food allergies and intolerances free radicals fungal infection gastrointestinal gastrointestinal innervation glucose gluten allergy and intolerance gluten-free growth and development, inhibit, risks gulf war veterans gut gut health Harrington implant (or Harrington rod), dangers healing heavy metal toxicity HEPA (high efficiency particulate air/filter) herbal herbal medicines and supplements herb-drug herbistry herbs herbs, and alternative treatments herbs, and alternative treatments for mental illness herbs, and alternative treatments for psychiatric disorders homeopathy hypertension hyperthyroid hypoallergenic, non-toxic hypoallergenic, pet food available, too hypoglycemia hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis hypothyroid IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) idiopathic immune system boost immune system disorder, health, and healing immunology and nutrition immunology, clinical impaired nervous system function insomnia irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) kinesiology Kleine Levin leaky gut syndrome legal diagnosis, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) legal impact legal implications literature review locomotor/muscle system low sugar levels manic depression MCS (multiple chemical sensitivities) medical dictionary medical glossaries medical lexicon medical mimics medical phrases medical roots, suffixes and prefixes medical slang medical terminology medical terminology, obsolete, archaic medical, psychiatric terminology medication induced, movement disorders, dystonia, psychosis, extrapyramidal side effects mercury (element) metals, heavy, toxicity mineral springs spa mineral waters minerals misdiagnosis molecular medicine movement disorder multifocal motor neuropathy multiple chemical sensitivities (MCS) Multiple Sclerosis (MS) muscle testing or kinesiology natural natural herbal remedy naturopathy neurobiology neurodegenerative neurodegenerative processes neuroendocrine neurogastroenterology neuroleptic drugs, side effects neurological disease neurological symptoms, or dysfunction neuropsychobiology neurotoxic nontoxic resources nut-free, allergies and intolerance nutrition and immunology nutrition, diet, food, health, and healing, general nutrition, diet, food, influence on mental illness/psychiatric disorders nutritional alternatives to psychiatric medications for children oat bran obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) olfactory omega 3 essential fatty acid omega 6 essential fatty acid orthomolecular medicine/psychiatry orthotic osteopathy overlap of syndromes, overlapping of symptoms overlapping overlapping conditions overlapping mental and physical disorders PANDAS (Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal infection) panic disorder Paroxysmal Disorders (ger. usage) PDD (Pervasive Developmental Disorder) Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal infection (PANDAS) peristalsis permanent myelin damage pervasive Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD) pH poor coordination post radiation syndrome Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) post traumatic syndromes prescribing errors, mistakes probiotics progressive neurodegeneration proprioceptive psychiatric disorders psychiatric drugs/medications, side effects psychoneuroendocrine psychoneuroendocrinology psychoneuroimmunology psychophysiological psychophysiology psychosomatic disorder psychosomatic medicine psychostimulant drugs, side effects psychotropic drugs, side effects PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) radiation Raynaud's RDA (Recommended Dietary Allowance) Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) recovery research studies rescue remedy Rett Syndrome, (once classified as a Pervasive Developmental Disorder) ringing in ears sanitarium/sanitorium/sanatorium schizophrenia second brain, (neurogastroenterology, brain-gut), (Michael D. Gershon, M.D.) senility serotonin side effects of psychiatric drugs side effects, brain atrophy side effects, demyelinating disease side effects, developmental delays side effects, seizure side effects, tardive dyskinesia side effects, withdrawal symptoms simulating conditions sleep sleep disorders sleep, insomnia social work, linkage sports nutrition, also decrease, eliminate sugar spirituality sprouting steep streptococcal stress, general stress, rating scales substance abuse sugar levels sugar sensitivity sugar-free, allergies and intolerance supplements, nutrition/nutritional symptoms, duration/DSM syndrome systemic, or general (not local) systemic load, or buildup TBI (traumatic brain injury) tic tic disorder tincture tinnitus tipi titrate, incremental, baby steps tourette syndrome toxins, bind to trauma Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and (any affective spectrum symptom) underlying condition underpinning of condition variant vitamin wellness Western medicine, mainstream, allopathic wheat-free, allergies and intolerance withdrawal from prescription medications (Peter Breggin, M.D.) yeast yeast infection - Archive of this page, 2006