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Library Medical Resources(SPANISH) Chan, Lois Mai, John Phillip Comaromi, and Joan S. Mitchell. 2000. Sistema de Clasificacion Decimal Dewey, Guia Practica. Bogota, Rojas Eberhard Ed. ISBN 9589121101. PUBLIC LIBRARY 025.43, CHAN. (SPANISH) Dewey, Melvil, Octavio G. Rojas L., and Margarita Amaya de Heredia. 2000. Sistema de Clasificacion Decimal Dewey. Bogota, Rojas Eberhard. ISBN 958912111X. PUBLIC LIBRARY 025.43161, DEWEY. (SPANISH) Dewey, Melvil, Octavio G. Rojas L., and Wilmer Moyano Grimaldo. 2008. Clasificacion Decimal Dewey Abreviada e Indice Relativo. Bogota D.C., Rojas Eberhard. ISBN 9789589121870. PUBLIC LIBRARY 025.43161, DEWEY. (SPANISH) Herdman, Margaret May, and Joaquin Diaz Mercado. 1945. Clasificacion Bibliografica Decimal. Mexico, Antigua Libreria Robredo. OCLC 8096388. (SPANISH) Mortimer, Mary. 2002. Catalogacion Descroptova. Bogota, R. Eberhard. ISBN 9589121608. (SPANISH) Mortimer, Mary. 2002. Clasificacion Decimal Dewey. Bogota, Rojas Eberhard. ISBN 9589121624. (SPANISH) Ramos, Jose Antonio. 1943. Manual de Biblioeconomia, Clasificacion Decimal, Catalogacion Metodico Analitica y Organizacion Funcional de Bibliotecas. La Habana, P. Fernandez y cia. OCLC 1822644. PUBLIC LIBRARY REFERENCE, 020, RAMOS. Chan, Lois Mai, and Theodora Hodges. 2007. Cataloging and Classification, An Introduction. Lanham, Maryland, Scarecrow Press. ISBN 9780810859449. PUBLIC LIBRARY 025.3, CHAN. Chan, Lois Mai, John P. Comaromi, Joan S. Mitchell, and Mohinder Partap Satija. 1996. Dewey Decimal Classification, A Practical Guide. Albany, New York, Forest Press. ISBN 0910608555. PUBLIC LIBRARY REFERENCE, 025.4, CHAN. Chandler, George. 1974. How to Find Out, A Guide to Sources of Information for All, Arranged by the Dewey Decimal Classification. New York, New York, Pergamon Press. ISBN 9780080177816. PUBLIC LIBRARY REFERENCE, 016.0287, CHANDLER. Comaromi, John Phillip, Margaret J. Warren, and Melvil Dewey. 1982. Manual on the Use of the Dewey Decimal Classification. Albany, New York, Forest Press. ISBN 9780910608329. PUBLIC LIBRARY REFERENCE, 025.431, MANUAL. Dewey, Melvil, and Joan S. Mitchell. 2012. Abridged Dewey Decimal Classification and Relative Index. Dublin, Ohio, OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc. ISBN 9780910608817. PUBLIC LIBRARY REFERENCE, 025.4, DEWEY. Dewey, Melvil, Joan S. Mitchell, Julianne Beall, Giles Martin, Winton E. Matthews, and Gregory R. New. 2003. Dewey Decimal Classification and Relative Index. Dublin, Ohio, OCLC Online Computer Library Center. ISBN 0910608709. PUBLIC LIBRARY REFERENCE, 025.431, DEWEY. Fowler, Allan. 1996. The Dewey Decimal System. New York, New York, Children's Press. ISBN 0516201328. PUBLIC LIBRARY CHILDRENS, 025.4, FOWLER. Gale Research Company, and Margaret Fisk. 1977. Encyclopedia of Associations. Detroit, Michigan, Gale Research Co. ISBN 0810301334. PUBLIC LIBRARY REFERENCE, 061, ENCYCLOPEDIA. Greenfieldt, John, and Patrice Bartell. 2007. Public Library Catalog, Guide to Reference Books and Adult Nonfiction, 2007 Supplement to the Twelfth Edition. New York, New York, H.W. Wilson. ISBN 0824210395. PUBLIC LIBRARY 025.2, PUBLIC. Hardendorff, Jeanne B. 1979. Libraries and How to Use Them. New York, New York, F. Watts. ISBN 0531022595. PUBLIC LIBRARY CHILDRENS, 021, HARDENDORFF. Herdman, Margaret May, Jeanne Osborn, and American Library Association. 1978. Classification, An Introductory Manual. Chicago, Illinois, American Library Association. ISBN 0838902774. PUBLIC LIBRARY 025.4, HERDMAN. Library of Congress, Decimal Classification Office. 1962. Guide to Use of Dewey Decimal Classification, Based on the Practice of the Decimal Classification Office at the Library of Congress. Lake Placid Club, New York, Forest Press. OCLC 1368982. PUBLIC LIBRARY 025.4, LIBRARY. Mann, Margaret, and American Library Association. 1930. Introduction to Cataloging and the Classification of Books. Chicago, Illinois, American Library Association. OCLC 752506. PUBLIC LIBRARY REFERENCE, 025.3, MANN. Mortimer, Mary. 2000. Learn Dewey Decimal Classification (Edition 21). Lanham, Maryland, Scarecrow Press. ISBN 0810836947. PUBLIC LIBRARY REFERENCE, 025.431, MORTIMER. Mortimer, Mary. 2007. Learn Descriptive Cataloging. Friendswood, Texas, TotalRecall Publications, Inc. ISBN 9781590958032. PUBLIC LIBRARY REFERENCE, 025.32, MORTIMER. Osborn, Jeanne, John P. Comaromi, and Melvil Dewey. 1991. Dewey Decimal Classification, 20th Edition, A Study Manual. Englewood, Colorado, Libraries Unlimited. ISBN 0872878708. PUBLIC LIBRARY REFERENCE, 025.431, OSBORN. R.R. Bowker Company. 1900s. Books in Print. New Providence, New Jersey, Bowker. PUBLIC LIBRARY REFERENCE. Readers Guide to Periodical Literature. 1900s. New York, New York, H.W. Wilson. PUBLIC LIBRARY REFERENCE. Robinson, Judith Schiek. 1998. Tapping the Government Grapevine, The User Friendly Guide to U.S. Government Information Sources. Phoenix, Arizona, Oryx Press. ISBN 1573560243. PUBLIC LIBRARY REFERENCE, 025.04, ROBINSON. Triffin, Nicholas, Alice Pidgeon, and Robert L. Buckwalter. 1987. Law Books in Print, Books in English Published throughout the World and in Print through 1986. London, U.K., Glanville Publishers. ISBN 087802025X. PUBLIC LIBRARY REFERENCE, 016.34, TRIFFIN. GOOGLE BOOKS https://books.google.com https://books.google.com/advanced_book_search ------Search, (to see full-text book) click on: FULL VIEW ONLY ------10 results, (change to greater number of returns) click on: little arrow, then SELECT https://www.google.es GOOGLE SPAIN https://books.google.es https://books.google.es/advanced_book_search?hl=es ------SOLO VISTA COMPLETA GOOGLE BOOKS, DEWEY DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION GOOGLE BOOKS, DEWEY DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION GOOGLE BOOKS, DEWEY DECIMAL (SPANISH) GOOGLE BOOKS, DEWEY DECIMAL (SPANISH) GOOGLE BOOKS, LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CLASSIFICATION GOOGLE BOOKS, LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CLASSIFICATION LIBRARY CATALOGUING AND CLASSIFICATION SYSTEMS: DEWEY DECIMAL AND LIBRARY OF CONGRESS http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Dewey_Decimal_classes#Class_600_.E2.80.93_Technology DEWEY DECIMAL, Reference and Nonfiction 025.4 Dewey Decimal and Library of Congress Classification 600 Technology 603 Dictionaries & encyclopedias 610 - 619: MEDICINE 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web o una pagina web, o escribe en texto plano. http://www.worldcat.org/?&lang=es http://www.worldcat.org/advancedsearch https://www.wikipedia.org https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Portada ------SPANISH PORTAL, SPANISH PAGES https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Categor%C3%ADa:Biblioteca_del_Congreso https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Categor%C3%ADa:Bibliotecolog%C3%ADa https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Categor%C3%ADa:Ciencias_de_la_informaci%C3%B3n https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clasificaci%C3%B3n https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clasificaci%C3%B3n_bibliogr%C3%A1fica https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISBN https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Library_of_Congress https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Melvil_Dewey https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Online_Computer_Library_Center https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sistema_Dewey_de_clasificaci%C3%B3n INTERLIBRARY LOAN, PUBLIC OR ACADEMIC LIBRARIES: SMALL OR NO FEE COMMUNITY AND RECIPROCAL BORROWER LIBRARY CARDS --check with Library Circulation or Reference (public and academic 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Information on the Internet DEWEY DECIMAL: MEDICINE --Non-Fiction --Reference --Children's Reference --Children's Non-Fiction DEWEY DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 025.4 Dewey Decimal and Library of Congress Library Classification Systems 551 Water, properties, structure Class 600 - Technology 610 Medical sciences, Medicine 610 Nobel Prize Winners views on medicine 610.14 Medical terminology, dictionaries, glossaries 610.28 Medical devices 610.289 Top doctor screwups 610.6952 America's top doctors 610.6952 America's top doctors for cancer 610.696 Doctors who do not listen 610.7 Medical Education 610.711 2012 - 2013 Graduate medical education directory 610.73 Nursing 610.76 First Aid Manual 610.9 History of Greek and Roman medicine 610.9 History of medicine, illustrated history of medicine 610.9 Historical, geographic 610.9 Milestones in medicine 610.9 Medical Discoveries 610.95 Chinese Medicine 610.951 The Yellow emperor, Chinese Medicine 611 Human anatomy, cytology, histology 611.71 The skeleton 611.73 Strength training anatomy 611.73 Stretching anatomy, Agility 612 Human physiology 612.1 Circulation 612.17 The Heart 612.2 Respiration 612.3 Digestion 612.4 Excretory system 612.42 Lymph draining body system 612.665 Hormones 612.67 Anti-aging 612.68 Longevity 612.7 Applied kinesiology 612.7 Musculoskeletal, skeletal system, muscular system, integumentary system 612.75 Bone health, osteo density 612.8 Nervous system, sensory 612.82 Brain issues 612.82 Memory, concentration 613 Promotion of health 613 Orthomolecular Medicine 613.04244 Hormone Changes, Balance 613 Personal health and safety, Hygiene 613.2 Encyclopedia of Nutrition 613.2 Superfoods 613.2 Dietetics 613.2 Sports medicine, nutrition 613.2 Food for Men 613.203 Nutrition and Well-Being Encyclopedia 613.2083 Children Nutrition, Optimal, Brain Foods for Kids, Children's Food 613.25 Coconut Foods 613.26 Whole Grain Nutrition, juicing, fasting, and detoxification, dietary fiber 613.262 Vegetarian, Encyclopedia of vegetarianism, vegan nutrition 613.7 Physical Fitness 613.7 U.S. Navy seal guide to fitness, nutrition 613.7 Cardio Strength Training, nutrition 613.713 Strength training, including nutrition 613.713 Vegan sports nutrition 613.8 Substance issues 614 Public health, Incidence and prevention of disease 614.5 Prevention of Disease 615 Pharmacology and therapeutics, Materia medica and therapeutics. 615 HERBALS, HERBISTRY (Phyllis A. Balch, Lalitha Thomas, Paul Pitchford, Melvyn R. Werbach, Michael T. Murray and Joseph E. Pizzorno, and others) 615 Physicians' Desk Reference for herbs, nutrition (PDRs), herb-drug interaction 615 Honey, health benefits 615.3 German Monograph with Herbs (reference), herb-drug interaction 615.321 Essential oils, aromatherapy, flower essences 615.329 Probiotics 615.5 Fast 615.5 Naturopathy 615.532 Homeopathy 615.534 Chiropractic 615.704 Drug-Herb-Vitamin Interactions 615.713 Strength Training with Nutrition 615.788 Encyclopedia of psychoactive plants 615.8 Specific therapies, home remedy 615.8 Hydrotherapy, water therapy treatments 615.8 Gluten-free 615.8 Magnet therapy 615.822 Reflexology 615.851 Reiki, therapeutic touch therapies 615.9 Chemical sensitivity, MCS 616 Internal Medicine, Diseases, Pathology, theory and practice, symptoms 616.024 when there is no doctor, colloquial 616.025 Paramedic Exam, EMT, First aid 616.07 Medical diagnosis, treatment 616.1 Diseases of cardiovascular 616.12 Heart issues, Prevention and Treatment 616.1206 Heart Cookbook and Prevention 616.132 Hypertension, High blood pressure 616.143 Varicose veins prevention, nutrition supplements 616.2 Disease of respiratory system 616.205 Vitamin C, common cold 616.238 Asthma treatment 616.3 Gut, Digestion, Ulcers, stomach stress-related issues, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) 616.3 Disease of digestive system 616.306 Healthy Gut, Fiber 616.324 Acid reflux, heartburn, acid reflux diet 616.344 Crohn's, Colitis 616.362 Liver, gallbladder 616.399 Celiac disease treatment 616.4 Disease of endocrine system 616.462 Diabetes 616.5 Disease of integumentary system, nails, beauty, dermatology care, skin health care 616.526 Psoriasis, fungal 616.53 Acne issues 616.535 Phyllis Balch, Prescription for Natural Cures 616.6 Disease of excretory system 616.65 Prostate issues 616.7 Aquatic exercises, therapeutic use. 616.7 Disease of musculoskeletal system 616.7 Autoimmune 616.71 Osteoporosis 616.722 Arthritis, lupus 616.73 Scoliosis 616.74 Fibromyalgia 616.8 Multiple Sclerosis 616.8 Stroke, Lou Gehrig's 616.8 Sleep 616.8 Essential Fatty Acid (EFA) 616.8 Disease of nervous system and mental disorders 616.8 Neurology, Mental issues, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) 616.831 Alzheimer's Disease, Nutrition 616.8491 Headache Prevention 616.84912 Migraine, Heart-Migraine connection 616.8498 Insomnia 616.85 Depression, Mayo Clinic on Depression 616.8527 616.851 Huntington's Disease 616.852 Anxiety, Eating disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorders 616.853 Epilepsy 616.855 Speech and Language disorders 616.8554 Stuttering 616.856 Peripheral Neuropathy 616.857 Migraine Cookbook 616.8589 ADD, ADHD 616.86 Substance issues 616.89 Autism, manic-depression, Asperger Syndrome 616.89 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM), legal medical diagnosis. 616.9 Disease, other, malaria, rabies, rheumatic fever, smallpox, tetanus, tuberculosis, bacterial, parasitic, rickettsial, viral 616.9 Germs, tumors 616.9 Oncology 616.9 Cancer 616.969 Fungal, yeast, candida 616.97 Allergy and Immunology, Disease of immune system, autoimmune, food allergies 616.98 Environmental illness (or multiple chemical sensitivity or chemical toxicity) 617 Surgery and related medical specialties, TMJ, headaches, neck, jaw 617.1 Injuries, burns, dislocations, sprains, sports medicine 617.2 Result of injury 617.3 Orthopedics 617.4 Surgery by systems 617.5 Regional medicine, EENT 617.6 Dental 617.7 Eye issues, Opthalmology 617.8 Otology and Audiology 617.9 Geriatric, artificial limbs 618 Women's and children's 618.175 Menopause 618.928 Autism 619 Experimental medicine 635.26 Garlic, healthful 636.089 The Merck veterinary 636.7 Pet skin, coat 636.7089 Dog owner's veterinary 636.8089 Cat owner's veterinary 640 Coupon clipping (grocery savings) 641.2 Hydration, hydrating foods 641.3 Food nutrition 641.309 Cooking, Ancient Civilizations 641.338 Spices 641.35 Encyclopedia herbs, spices 641.5631 COOKBOOKS TO PREVENT DISEASES (heart, candida, cancer, ADHD, diabetes, gluten-free, sugar-free) 641.5636 Vegetarian cookbooks 641.6 Cooking, kale 641.6 Cooking, brassicas (broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, kale) 641.68 Honey and health 646.7 Dermatology, Skincare, Wrinkles/Detoxification and Health, Am. spa treatments, and hydrotherapy or aquatherapy 796.522 Training for climbing, and sports nutrition 796.6 Cyclists Training Bible, fuel and sports nutrition 796.6 Cycling Past 50, includes fuel and sports nutrition 797.21 Conditioning for swimming, including nutrition and hydration FEW PERIODICALS Journal of the American Medical Association Diabetic Cooking Diabetes Self-Management Eating Well Natural Health Whole Living Harvard Women's Health Watch, www.health.harvard.edu John Hopkins Health After 50, JohnHopkinsHealthAlerts.com University of California Berkeley Wellness Letter, BerkeleyWellness.com Shop Smart Mayo Clinic Health Letter Diabetic Living Family Circle Cooking Light |